More is not the solution.

We're obsessed with more. More growth. More productivity. More revenue. More customers.

There's more to success than productivity and progress. It’s far too easy to be consumed by the daily pressures of more.

There are countless technology platforms today that sell you on more. This isn’t one of them.

At TranscendOS, the philosophy behind work is bringing wholeness, quality and depth to the surface. We believe in working smarter, not harder.

To do this, we need the space to pause and reflect, to find the creative solutions to the problems in front of us.

What might this space look like?

Knowledge isn’t enough.

Technology has created the pathways for humans to access more knowledge than ever before. Yet we’re still stuck in complex loops of thought problems, trying to define our mission statements, our value in the marketplace, and the incentive structures that keep us engaged to see it all through to the end.

Maybe its because we’ve leaned on technology too much to solve too many complex issues.

Return to Human.

A real solution leverages technology as an interactive architecture for humans to define themselves in all aspects. Technology thought of in this way becomes a performative environment for emergent and indeterminate cultures to symbiotically support its users. Know another technology that operates this way? Hint: look around you (Answer: the Earth).

Distributed Cognition: the TranscendOS
